If that is the current standard, why isn't half the world the subject of similar "smart sanctions"?
The Security Council is also expected to review the viability of similar sanctions this week.
The Administration has threatened similar sanctions in the past, only to extend its self-imposed deadlines and reach an accommodation.
But when national leaders fall short of goals, why do they not face similar sanctions?
There are similar sanctions which may be employed against a reluctant witness in the county court and High Court.
But the secretary has not had the authority to threaten banks with similar sanctions if they provide services to terrorists.
A similar sanction was imposed on some Harrison athletes last fall, when students engaged in underage drinking.
He said simple education was not working and similar sanctions had worked in Florida.
Efforts to persuade America's allies to impose similar sanctions have been unsuccessful.
The Scouts have already had to contend with similar sanctions by other school systems and municipalities.