State officials in Connecticut do not publish similar statistics.
There are no similar statistics on female perpetrators of family violence due to bias in the data gathering procedure.
Despite showing similar statistics otherwise, Gladness' blocks per game average dropped to 4.5 for his senior year.
This data is reinforced by Hannah (1990) who calculated similar statistics including a rise of between +16-19.3 cm throughout 1900-1988.
In the 2006-07 season, Prince returned similar statistics to his 2004-05 campaign: 14.3 points, 5.2 rebounds, and 2.8 assists per game.
His records showed similar statistics for 1982 and 1983.
Bentley recorded similar statistics in the following campaign, scoring eight goals and providing 13 assists.
Previous studies have come up with similar statistics, though with smaller numbers of subjects and a more restricted focus.
Other branches of the military did not make available similar statistics, but officials say they are seeing the same trend.
You could probably find similar statistics from a lot of outfits if you wanted to.