In Europe zoning laws would prevent such a high concentration of similar stores.
Verizon plans to open a similar store this month in a location the company has not announced.
Most similar stores rarely have more than 20 percent of sales in private labels.
It's also kind of nice to have several similar stores close by to price check or in case one is out of something.
She once posed as a tourist and went shopping for an alarm clock at a similar store.
Sales were strong, and the company discussed plans to introduce more similar stores in the future.
My dad and others told me of similar stores on Marshall Street as well going back at least to the 1920's.
Her husband owns a similar store nearby, and both stay until 8 p.m., seven days a week.
Three similar stores on the same block have closed in the past year; the latest shut down in late summer.
Other republics of the Soviet Union had similar stores usually named after their "national trees."