The curiaras are made from a tree similar to the cedar.
Ben encounters a little boy with a similar tree painted to his chest and back late in Season 1.
A small genus of similar trees, Angophora, has also been known since the 18th century.
When transported to Jamaica as slaves, they gave the same name to the similar trees they saw there.
The band performs in a dark, foggy room of trees similar to the album's cover art.
They will be replaced with similar trees as part of a larger plan to improve the space.
Susannah had once seen similar trees, she thought, in a travelogue film about Australia.
Allspice can be a small, scrubby tree, quite similar to the bay laurel in size and form.
A similar tree, brazilwood, grew on the coast of South America.
This was the longest land journey of a similar sized tree in history.