His experience in this and similar undertakings led him to publish Sporting Architecture (1841).
A similar undertaking in New York City would be ambitious and costly, but the experts say it could be done.
The Government's track record in a similar undertaking is also disturbing.
He abandoned the project on learning that Joseph Bosworth was engaged on a similar undertaking.
The boundless success of this experiment necessarily led to all the other similar undertakings.
He also wrote Papermarking by Hand in America (1950), a similar but larger undertaking.
The bank is asking the International Monetary Fund and other lenders to contribute to similar undertakings.
It was followed by a similar undertaking involving fisheries of the Great Lakes.
But he has abrogated similar undertakings, and many of his fighters vowed to take up arms again.
After all, Gutierrez Menoyo had been successful in a similar undertaking seven years earlier.