It is a world similar to prehistoric Earth but has three moons.
He described practitioners of magic as projecting their mental states onto the world around them, similar to a common phase in child development.
The book tells about a world similar to his but with slightly changed qualities.
"I've been doing my own thing before, in a similar world but not on television," said Christopher Vila, 26.
They live beyond the sky, in a world similar to mankinds world.
A world suspiciously similar to the one we humans inhabit.
He's from a similar world to her and can comprehend the things that have gone on in her life.
Inside was a world of semidarkness, similar to what one found in the heart of a forest.
Joanna, living in the 1970s, comes from a world remarkably similar to Earth.
The series takes place in a world similar to our own but where magical creatures are apparently quite commonplace.