Raphael appears to have a special affinity for the relationship between Jesus, the Christ child, and his similarly aged cousin, John.
The series has on occasions been compared to Cold Feet, given the similarly aged cast, Northern middle-class setting and similar themes.
Several buildings including the 15th-century church are on the south side of the river, with a similarly aged bridge (pictured) connecting the two.
They first battle the team of similarly aged heroes known as the New Warriors early in the latter team's career, but are soundly defeated and restrained.
We are both 24 and are looking for somewhere adventurous and with a lively nightlife/lots of similarly aged people.
Indian Summer has a good deal in common with the films in the Childhood series, as both examine groups of similarly aged males from the inside out.
It was built in the early 1960s and was slated for redevelopment in 2010, unlike the similarly aged pub.
There are less extensive areas in northeast Wales and along the north coast into Anglesey where similarly aged rocks characterize the landscape.
Typical for similarly aged mosques of the region, it has no cupolas and minarets and heavily employs timber.
Our schoolchildren compare poorly with similarly aged pupils in other countries and in previous generations.