The Bankers Trust-Brown combination has also put a premium on specialty investment banks that similarly focus on health care and high technology.
A proponent of behaviorism, Skinner (1972) similarly focused on socialization as the primary force behind moral development.
Created as a follow-up to the successful 1986 compilation In the Jungle Groove, it similarly focuses on Brown's funk recordings of the late 1960s and early 1970s.
GamePros review similarly focused on "new additions to the genre itself" which it argued made The Age of Kings outstanding.
Trying to similarly focus attention on those situations and characters, Mr. Vick jettisoned the story's setting of 15th-century Spain.
Similarly focusing on the length of the tracks, Brandon Stosuy of Pitchfork Media branded the record "stellar classical music".
Having seen the success of their effort to get help, Kirk suggests trying to similarly focus on a communicator as an object they direly need.
The game's themes focus similarly around human/computer interaction, interpersonal relationships, and LGBT issues; but focus primarily on "transhumanism, traditional marriage, loneliness and cosplay."
Arthur Shen forced a sizable tenor into tautness by over-singing; Oziel Garza-Ornelas similarly focused on pumping out sound.