Von Manteuffel's 3rd Panzer Army, which ironically had fewer panzers than the 9th, was similarly positioned in the north to delay a possible flanking strike by Marshall Rukussovsky's 2nd Byelorussian Front.
This meant that a player standing on a touchline about 20 yards from the centre line would have only seen the upper half of a player similarly positioned on the other side of the centre line!
Data was similarly positioned, but while Picard was busy gazing at the sky, Data's entire attention was focused on the fishing gear.
The gunner lay with his body at approximately a 45 degree angle to the bore on the left side while the loader was similarly positioned on the other side.
If one occipital lobe is damaged, the result can be homonymous hemianopsia vision loss from similarly positioned "field cuts" in each eye.
Uncle Arthur, I knew, was similarly positioned on the starboard side.
On the desktop, Llano looks to be similarly positioned, but given that testing at most sites is still ongoing, we'll have to reserve judgment until the official launch.
In the Slavic tradition, the chanters are similarly positioned, and the area is referred to as the kliros.
If there are more eligible teams than there are open pool positions in Group 1, priority will be given to that team with the highest previous placement, and if more than one team is similarly positioned, then the most recent of these shall be selected.
A confused memory of his very recent past floated across his mind and he experienced a brief moment of regret that potatoes, while uppermost in his mind at that point, had not been similarly positioned in the mind of the young lady.