A simple apparatus for removing a wart from the top of the head
They said their simple apparatus offered the prospect of virtually unlimited, inexpensive energy.
They went straight to a wall cupboard, opened it, and took out a simple electrical apparatus which Juniper-Hallett did not recognize.
Brower continued the experiment and by 1883 he had constructed a "simple apparatus to give it a good trial over miles of space."
He saw a simple apparatus arranged in compact form.
Then, dextrously, he turned this simple apparatus upside down, and presto!
I was asked particularly to notice the very simple but effective apparatus for raising the coaches.
Very simple apparatus is needed for the drawing of one those ellipses which Kepler has shown to possess such astonishing astronomical significance.
With this simple do-it-yourself apparatus, the image is always upside-down.
All these improvements made for a simpler and more compact writing apparatus.