Clashes among worldviews cannot be ended by a simple appeal to facts.
It was the end of an era when they could somehow or other get their way by just a simple appeal to the Mayor.
He then issued a simple appeal: "Who wants respect gives respect."
Friedman's argument was very simple and held considerable intuitive appeal.
With his simple appeal to be allowed to take part in the debate, the phones go wild, and Santos is suddenly on the map.
After all, who could resist its simple appeal, bright colors, and opportunities to shout in the face of imminent victory?
The look, the voice, the manner of the governess had already made their simple appeal to her generous nature.
Like most of his art, these displays were concerned more with communicating internal rules and behaviours than simple visual appeal.
Maybe it was the simple appeal of the bad boy.
The slogan, "Teach the controversy," has simple appeal in a democracy.