First, and most common, is simple carelessness.
State law protects against disgruntled ex-employees, sabotage by current employees, or simple carelessness about the risk and possible protections of your trade secrets.
Threats to the security of information are varied - from computer hackers to disgruntled employees to simple carelessness.
Most people, though, accepted that it was the result of simple carelessness on the part of workers handling wheelbarrows full of live ammunition.
To Karn Milu, it had been simple carelessness.
Even simple carelessness on her part could at any time bring the end.
Practically no chance of discovering us here, that ticket was simple carelessness that will not be repeated, I assure you.
Expecting Someone Taller 45 It was simple carelessness on his part that caused the trouble.
Most common, is simple carelessness.
"It sounds to me like simple carelessness," said Queen Sollace.