Themes of conscious hip hop include religion, aversion to crime & violence, culture, the economy, or simple depictions the struggles of ordinary people.
The reliefs there range from whole stories to just simple depictions of everyday life.
Wouwerman started his artistic career with simple depictions of everyday life in the tradition of the bamboccianti by Pieter van Laer (1592/99-after 1642).
This may be a simple depiction of a plough.
In the latter series, he still found the simpler depiction of Belloq "amazingly just like Paul Freeman".
As a result, the film therefore is mostly a simple depiction of the impact of globalization and neo-colonialism.
His works during this period were more than simple depictions of the life and people around him, they were reactions and interactions in paint.
The painting has been called a masterpiece depiction of a battle scene, and much more than a simple depiction of a bloody battle.
A simple depiction of the production situation is presented in Figure 7.6.
His delightful depictions, clear and simple but rich in expression, graced numerous children's books over the years.