Regis marveled at how effectively his simple imitation was working.
In other words, children learned their mother tongue by simple imitation, listening to and repeating what adults said.
The interior is plastered and painted in early 20th century with the simple imitation of sky and gilded stars.
It was from this germinal idea of luklukan that simple imitation had become profitable business.
The result is a Kennedy at once familiar and new, an interpretation that is not a simple imitation.
But in its training, the robot moves beyond simple imitation.
"It's not simple imitation, you say."
"Parents teach their children to talk" - meaning that adults assume that children either learn language directly from their parents or via simple imitation.
This change from simple imitation to political commentary was the start of German identification with rap.
He liked to write canons of considerable complexity, rather than restricting himself to simple imitation.