Most are adorned with simple inscriptions noting the deceased's name, date of death, and number of years lived.
Then, above the door, is a plaque with a belt buckle and the simple inscription, "Roy."
The door of the office bore a simple inscription upon its glass panel.
But, in the end, I chose to dedicate the book with a simple inscription in her memory.
The original monument, built in 1820, had the simple inscription, "Doyle - Gratitude".
His grave, with coat of arms and simple inscription, is close to the south side of the pulpitum steps, just where he wanted it.
A plaque with a simple inscription was placed on the wall by his daughters.
Three times he read the simple inscription: then he sat down on the great stone slabs and gazed at the inaccessible land below.
On his gravestone, the simple inscription reads: "They never die who live in the hearts they leave behind."
A golden shrine was placed over his tomb, with an image of Charles and the simple inscription: