Another feature of DXF files is that alternate lines consist of a simple integer.
The latter has three subunits for simple integer, complex integer and floating-point instructions.
The coordinates of uniform 6-polytopes with 6-simplex symmetry can be generated as permutations of simple integers in 7-space, all in hyperplanes with normal vector (1,1,1,1,1,1,1).
It is recommended that the key field be a simple integer because a key value is meaningless, used only for joining fields between the fact and dimension tables.
But these trophic levels are not always simple integers, because organisms often feed at more than one trophic level.
Note that only whole multiples of the reference frequency can be obtained with the simplest integer N dividers.
By default, the application generates the ID values itself, and typically uses simple incrementing integers rather than universally unique hashes.
These numbers are written either as simple integers, or in the form x.y, where x and y are 16-bit numbers.
Beginning with version 100, releases are numbered as a simple incrementing integer.
The coordinates of uniform 5-polytopes with 5-simplex symmetry can be generated as permutations of simple integers in 6-space, all in hyperplanes with normal vector (1,1,1,1,1,1).