What we know is that simple interventions in a single area - like a school health education programme - are unlikely to work on their own.
The objective is that with minor adjustments or simple interventions, students may respond and achieve at higher levels.
"There's no such thing as a simple intervention," she says.
One simple intervention is simply educating individuals about the existence of stereotype threat.
As the authors state, it is important for neonatal research to look at simple interventions such as this.
It is a highly pragmatic approach that focus on simple low-cost interventions which improve both labor productivity and work conditions at the same time.
"Half of the world's deaths could be prevented with simple and cost-effective interventions," said the report.
This is an example of how even a simple, minimal intervention can have positive benefits.
What had seemed a simple military intervention of short duration led to a full-scale war in South America's southeast.