They had good- natured faces, being as a rule good-natured; and they laughed long and deeply, being fond of simple jests at all times, but especially after dinner (which they had twice a day, when they could get it).
The daughter had just uttered some simple jest that filled them all with mirth, when the wind came through the Notch and seemed to pause before their cottage- rattling the door, with a sound of wailing and lamentation, before it passed into the valley.
Pioratto says that it would take more than a simple jest to vex the immovable Candido.
Some men had a knack for friendship, for easy chatter and simple jests.
And I confess, I was glad too of the Illyrians' company and their simple jests, taking comfort in what had become familiar to me.
In it Ilse related how a simple "jest" one afternoon had suddenly escalated into a serious proposal that Einstein marry her instead of her mother.
In the course of the past few years, sections of the literary academy have had to endure a good deal of ridicule, arising from this simple jest.
And laugh they did, and eat, and drink, often and heartily, being fond of simple jests at all times, and of six meals a day (when they could get them).