The leaves are opposite, simple oval, 1-8 cm long, either deciduous or evergreen.
The leaves are evergreen, alternate, simple oval, entire, 5-15 cm long; the underside shines with a golden color when seen from a distance.
The leaves are opposite, simple oval, 1-10 cm long; most are deciduous but some are evergreen.
Skullhead appears as an oversimplified skeleton (his head being a simple oval) wearing a grey suit with matching derby hat.
Titanium ring styles referred to as "classic" have generally been crafted into a simple oval or circle with a smooth, shiny finish.
The stems are upright or sprawling, branched or unbranched, with simple oval to lance-shaped leaves.
The leaves are alternately arranged simple ovals.
The leaves are opposite, simple oval, 1-4 cm long and 0.5-2 cm broad, varying from glossy green to tomentose grey-green.
On each, the skull has been changed to simpler oval, with the smaller lacking the crossbones.
Toward the end of the 18th century ornamental effects in cartography became less popular, their style developed to simple oval or rectangular fields with inscriptions.