Part of it was an embarrassingly simple ploy to make Riley feel guilty--a little guilt would do him good, Ciana decided.
It was possible that these were indeed simple ploys, intended only to feel out Bane's defenses.
From my memory of the gathering in the common keep, I conjured a tune, that I might have what little privacy such a simple ploy would afford.
Yeltsin hit on the simple ploy of destroying the Soviet Union, regardless of the enormous implications of such a venture, thus making Gorbachev redundant.
I'm not sure I can explain why not, but in a million years I would never have thought of that simple, brilliant ploy.
It was a simple ploy.
It was a simple ploy, attacking Mogad's ego and pride.
Though it was a simple ploy, the effects would have been devastating.
Such a simple ploy should have been obvious to him.
A simple ploy, but the girl gasped in surprise, and for an instant her embrace of the Source lessened just a hair, the faintest flicker in the Power filling her.