Not so much from obedience, as simple practicality.
Part of the reason came down to simple practicality - smoking wasn't permitted in the ballroom, and both men were smokers - but it also reflected yet another element of estrangement in Norris's life.
The simplest practicalities of such arrangements were startling enough; I considered, for example, the prosaic problems of maintaining a consistent and stable atmosphere, at an even temperature, pressure and humidity, over such scales of length.
Part of this is simple practicality - nature as a searchable database.
Philip laughed at the simple practicality.
I would prefer a romantic reason, but in truth, it is simple practicality.
Some of the specific mechanisms responsible for cultural and martial change extended from phenomena such as war, political and social systems, technology, trade and of course, simple practicality.
Was it simple practicality, or simply fear?
That is simple practicality.
She spoke with an air of simple practicality.