A gifted, homespun orator, he entranced legions of low-paid loyal workers with a simple refrain - help customers, cut costs and share profits.
Sadr officials have seized on a simpler refrain: The Mahdi Army makes peace, not war.
To be sure, the Republican leadership under George Bush is so bad that Democrats might be able to win majorities in both the House and the Senate with nothing more than this simple refrain.
Oddly enough, the three punks in Dead Executives have helped this teen-pop star streamline her sound, focusing on simple chord progressions and even simpler refrains.
Interestingly, at the moment that Nicolas becomes a man, Britten colors the melody's supporting harmonies in a much more dissonant manner, using a semitone clash to darken the simple refrain.
Listen closely to Akon's deceptively simple refrains, and you'll hear many more influences: the sweet melancholy of reggae, the smooth sound of 1980s pop, unexpected intonations smuggled in from West Africa.
Rabyn begins a chant, not exactly a song, but more than a simple refrain, with a thin tenor that is clear and rises above the thunder of the massive drum.
He praised singer Justin Pierre; who he says "never sounds better than when he's rushing from an overwritten verse into a perfectly simple refrain."
Residente let loose some rapid-fire patter, but he seemed happier with simple refrains, as on "Suave."
Peloquin also made a point of composing melodies with simple refrains to encourage participation of the congregation.