This is possible, though a simpler rendering without raised arms is more likely.
Mr. Couturier, 40, uses his facile brush to transform a simple rendering into a slice of paradise.
Loretta found her map, a simple rendering by a local map-maker several years out of date.
He was struck by their variety and sad beauty, some painterly and elaborate, others a simple rendering of a firefighter's badge.
Hers is a simple rendering, heart-shaped with a childlike angel, displayed on her right forearm.
Special fettuccine came topped with a saute of wild mushrooms in a simple rendering that needed nothing else.
Now he saw he had done a simple rendering of the scene before him.
It was a deceptively simple rendering of "what looked like a pool of "water in a forest, a bird dipping its beak for a drink.
Hers was a simpler and less spectacular rendering of the world than that of earlier romantic artists.
Kaithapram has established a cherished position in the Malayali heart with his beautiful yet simple artistic renderings.