The music is a simple rendition of the song "The Goonies 'R' Good Enough", by Cyndi Lauper.
Here, a simple rendition of "Chopsticks" goes terribly awry.
With her simple rendition and style of singing, along with catchy lyrics, the song became an instant hit, and started getting bootlegged from the video, and sold separately.
One of the simplest renditions of lotus root is an appetizer at Matsuri in Chelsea, below.
The small menu offers simple renditions of veg with pasta and excellent seafood.
But it doesn't stop at a simple musical rendition of the syndicated program's sideshow ethos.
Although shrimps and sea scallops have a place on the appetizer list, they are given completely different treatment as entrees, simple renditions that underscored the seafood's fresh flavor.
Each screen shows a number of separate windows, the largest of which is a simple but satisfactory rendition of your current surroundings.
Occasionally he puts aside his props, as he did on Friday in a simple, piano-based rendition of the classic "Dark End of the Street."
But never before has he served a better - or simpler - rendition of this long, thin band of wonderfully marbled beef.