Most joined for career advancement and simple self-preservation, they say.
And in so doing, I've found an instinct stronger than the simple self-preservation that prevails in these games.
Anastasius was devoted to the beast, as much out of genuine affection as simple self-preservation.
She still didn't know how she'd done it, but she'd managed (out of simple self-preservation) to acquire a far finer degree of control.
It's simple self-preservation.
After Pompey's defeat former allies began to align themselves with Caesar as some came to believe the gods favored him, while for others it was simple self-preservation.
This may have been simple self-preservation on its part, an evolutionary need to maintain a healthy and long-lived host.
'Don't,' she whispered, clinging to the last vestige of whatever part of her identity remained to her, pride perhaps, or simple self-preservation.
Peter Brune alleges that Blamey's removal of Potts was simple self-preservation.
A huge part of that, he knew with bleak honesty, was simple self-preservation and ambition.