Rather than a simple storyline, the books look to engage the reader with self-quizzes, and lets them rate themselves in the "crazy, mixed up jungle called middle school".
It has a simple storyline, with the most humorous part being the repetition of a ridiculously long name.
This simple storyline is hidden in multiple, often conflicting layers, leaving the audience with doubts what part to believe (and some may even doubt the outline above).
The games developed by Neversoft feature a simple storyline, usually about a band's quest for fame, which is told through animations played throughout the game.
However, while Ismail preferred to focus on national-level themes, Djajakusuma was more drawn to simple, locally relevant storylines with educational messages.
These generally are no longer than twenty or thirty seconds, and have a very simple storyline.
The most popular form of stage comedy in Indonesia is comedy troupes doing skits or sketches, usually following a simple storyline and improvised by all actors.
Acknowledged by critics for having a simple storyline, Incoming is set in 2009 over a period of fifteen days.
It shares elements with roguelike games, with a much simpler storyline and gameplay.
How a simple storyline can influence the hearts of millions is the beauty of this movie.