It allows the time between any two dates in history to be computed by simple subtraction.
Maybe I'm missing some excellent witticism, but simple subtraction would suggest 2,500 as closer to the mark.
People seemed to have considerable trouble figuring their refunds, even though only simple subtraction was involved.
The Ricci tensor has a non-zero divergence which can be removed by a simple subtraction.
A simple subtraction of the two values would indicate that, economically, Tyco had a loss of $26.3 million - hardly a reason to grant bonuses.
She said she was horrified to find that Tyron, 9, could not do simple subtraction.
But when a hemoglobin molecule reaches the lungs, it often carries two or three oxygens - not what simple subtraction would indicate.
Typically, piezoelectric expansion is linearly dependent on applied voltage and a simple subtraction can be used to correct for this effect.
If one knows the elevation of terrain, the distance above the ground is calculated by a simple subtraction.
I was too dumbfounded by the basic math, trying to make sense of the simplest subtraction.