A CPU upgrade isn't a simple upgrade for an every day person.
Many simple upgrades can be made with reasonable results to existing systems and standard specifications.
It also featured a small breadboard area that allowed for many simple upgrades to be performed without the addition of daughter boards.
This protocol is a relatively simple upgrade where UMTS is already deployed.
The majority of electronics can be incorporated into the associated external components, allowing for a smaller implant and simpler upgrades without additional surgery.
Why does it take two and a half years to do such a simple upgrade?
This revision was a simple upgrade of the RX-77-2 with improved armor and armaments.
And there are lots of ways you can save money - in some cases a great deal - just by making a few simple upgrades to your home.
Trying to get a simple upgrade running can fritter away an afternoon.
The Me 410D was a simpler upgrade to the B-series to improve altitude performance, but not to the same degree as the C-series.