This is when one uses a simplistic approach for ordering with a traditional sorting algorithm.
Using only current rates of population growth is a very simplistic approach.
Ball handling controls tend to be extremely difficult despite the simplistic approach to soccer.
"They have sort of a simplistic approach that once the young person gives his or her life to Jesus, that's the turning point."
A simplistic approach, but it enables us to achieve the requirements in a straightforward manner.
The platform's very simplistic approach to window management is appealing in some ways, but lacks flexibility.
Everyone seemed happy to act out the most simplistic, grab-that-body-part approach to sexuality.
"To me it's a simplistic approach to a very complex problem," he said.
She also raised issues with the simplistic approach taken by some psychologists in the application of positive psychology.
I know it is a very simplistic approach to take, but that is exactly why we are here.