Under its most simplistic definition, arbitrage is nothing more than buying low in one market while simultaneously selling high in another.
An intelligent adult often feels it is demeaning to pay attention to simplistic definitions.
Either I was a god, or I wasn't, and I'd unconsciously accepted her frame of reference, until Sammis's questions, while somehow knowing it wasn't correct and fighting the simplistic definition.
"Cab-forward" is the latest buzz-phrase in Detroit, and the simplistic definition is a design that puts the base of the windshield over the front axle.
This is a very simplistic definition of interactive television that is less and less descriptive of interactive television services that are in various stages of market introduction.
Despite this criticism, a number of decisions subsequent to Eisner v. Macomber relied on this simplistic definition of income.
All this has reminded Muslims that the God they worship cannot be contained by human categories and refuses simplistic definition.
But then that would be too simplistic a definition for the multifaceted, resolutely accomplished 'Sweet Thing'.
Marilyn French quote - again, this discussion has been going on all day and in later posts I have explained why I reject this idiotic simplistic definition of feminist.
We are talking, instead, about a very diverse range of texts, thinkers, and methods that cannot all be accommodated in one simplistic definition.