Due to their constant desire for a simplistic, positive image, books must be suppressed.
The film contained a strong environmentalist message, but American Indians and educators said they were dismayed by a simplistic image of Indians as gentle, humble protectors of the land.
Eco-tourism works to create simplistic images of local people and their uses and understandings of their surroundings.
But a 10-part New York Times series, which ends today, has presented the faces and voices behind those simplistic images.
Schools that packaged a tidy set of simplistic historical images are largely responsible for fostering these American myths.
Many people trace the rise of the by-now-infamous photo op to news editors' demands for a steady stream of colorful and simplistic images.
And once again, television is being perceived as the culprit, the machine that reduces everything to simplistic images.
The cover artwork as well as the in-game menus are all shown in sketch formats, simplistic images often on a lined background.
A negative, superficial and simplistic image of other countries is often conveyed in EU Member States, especially in certain media.
And the more facts supplied, the more simplistic the image".