Again, you are reciting a highly simplistic notion of human nature.
We cannot entertain the simplistic notion of reading as a process which proceeds by decoding the message, in real time, from one level to another.
Partly," he adds, "that could reflect our simplistic notions of what religious arguments would be like.
But in case any simplistic notions took root, the candidates and their aides were on hand to make sure that they were laid to rest.
They do warn against "the simplistic notion that communities are automatically good."
There is no simplistic notion of God, however.
We also need to forget the simplistic notion that limiting privacy automatically promotes security.
Our group does not defend the simplistic notion that economic policy should be surrendered to politics and solidarity.
Yet the Middle East is not a place where the simplistic notion of good guys and bad guys makes much sense.
Educating teachers had become an annual event; they tended to have simplistic notions about children.