Now it simply amused him; so much so that there were times when he had to struggle not to burst out laughing in her face.
Her annoyance simply amused him.
He'd intended to simply amuse her, but she hadn't laughed.
Some items simply amuse (photographs of Mafia, the Maltese dog given to her by Frank Sinatra; a plaster floor lamp in the shape of a palm tree).
To simply amuse them would have satisfied my dearest ambition at any time; for they could get instruction elsewhere, and I had two chances to help to the teacher's one: for amusement is a good preparation for study and a good healer of fatigue after it.
The most unsuspicious woman living, his wife was simply amused "How he does enjoy society!"
He simply amused us for a moment.
A bearver might decide to eat a person, or it might simply amuse itself by scaring a victim into loosening his bowels.
I SPEND a little too much time parsing the behavior of my cat, wondering, for instance, whether after all these years she continues to do battle with shadows on the wall because she hasn't figured out that they're only shadows or because it simply amuses her to do so.