The assumption (it used to be a radical assertion) among many of these younger artists is that high and low culture now simply blend together seamlessly.
I simply blend fine fresh bread crumbs with lightly cooked, finely chopped onions and milk and add this to the ground beef.
He ignored them, simply blending with their motions and jumping right up.
Reggie was thinking that simply blending into the cosmopolitan Twin Worlds crowd ought to be easy enough.
Mel Stottlemyre was back at Yankee Stadium yesterday, trying to blend in and simply do his job as a pitching coach.
Hulan thought of this less as working undercover than simply blending into a landscape so she could hear people's real voices.
Most of the time these branches simply blend back together like water running around a rock.
Why not simply blend the forces into the United Nations?
The problem is that too many of the artists' efforts simply blend in and all but disappear.
For those who wish to do more than simply blend in, the Nissan Altima and Mazda6 risk sportier designs.