Several immigration lawyers said today that when the immigration services suspects that a visa has been overstayed, it normally simply deports the visitor.
Quebec was the only province that reached a level of 70% where individuals stated that "reasonable accommodations" should be made for illegal immigrants rather than simply deporting them.
They might simply deport him.
The far-reaching conspiracy charges indicated that, after months of hand-wringing about whether to simply deport the sheik or to charge him with terrorist acts, the Clinton Administration had chosen a hard-nosed approach, in which the F.B.I.'s work, not that of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, would figure most heavily.
It also plans to place immigration judges closer to detention centers and allocate more money for lawyers who argue deportation cases on behalf of the government, increasing capacity in part by simply deporting illegal immigrants faster, a Homeland Security official said after Mr. Chertoff spoke.
Because Cuba will not immediately accept the return of many refugees, the United States has held suspect Mariel exiles instead of simply deporting them.
Second, and most likely, they'll simply deport you with your promise never to return.
The Heritage of Stalin The Ingush-Ossetian clash is a legacy of Stalin's policy of simply deporting nationalities he did not trust.
If our funds run out before that they will simply deport us again.
Although Beth was able to save Phillip by convincing Edmund to simply deport him, Phillip told Beth he was seeking sole custody of their children to keep them away from Edmund.