No, he definitely could not simply detach them at random.
When your maid went back to sleep you simply detached the chime behind the door and left, being careful not to be seen.
If the physical host fails, simply detach the root volume and boot another instance, allowing a 5min recovery from even the worst hardware failures.
He simply detached himself, split himself in two.
When fleeing a predator on a sloping substrate, the snail may simply detach itself and thus it will roll or drop away.
Howard straightened up again, and for one alarming moment he felt that his head might simply detach itself from his neck and float away.
Here's how it works: Simply detach the Care Card from the top of this letter and keep it handy.
Simply detach the bottom portion, check the option that applies, make any changes to your address if needed and send it in the enclosed envelope.
Further, another alternative exists in the possibility of simply detaching the surfaces themselves from the rest of the mesh.
Even if a segment is damaged, Abarai can simply detach it and reform Zabimaru.