The investigators found that when the Signals Department could not inspect one type of electrical circuit at the expected pace, it simply disconnected the circuits.
Not knowing what the position of the switch indicated, Joe simply disconnected the wire that joined the small time clock to the bomb.
Eventually Dirk simply disconnected the set from the power socket on the wall and turned back to the boy, who broke his nose.
I enjoyed watching you simply disconnect from her.
You also have the annoying "migrating host" moments when someone is too slow with the connection or simply disconnects from the game.
Simply disconnect two power leads to detach it from the console, then carry the crystal out.
No, they wouldn't, because AT&T simply disconnected the DSL from the old house and didn't connect it at the new one.
The situation wasn't handled with any grace, they simply disconnected the user, no HTTP redirects, just the internet was offline to them.
The most direct solution, simply disconnecting the short messaging services from the Internet gateways, is not practical, Professor McDaniel said.
Many systems will simply disconnect if the server doesn't respond quickly, which will eliminate the spam.