From that time onwards they simply diverted their genuine traffic through other circuits and then arranged to send carefully prepared disinformation over the tapped lines.
The Kelantan FA are simply diverting the attention to cover up their shortcomings in handling the high profile match.
They say the soft money ban on the parties and campaigns is undermined if large donors can simply divert their money to outside organizations.
Philip Morris said that it simply diverted some funds it had set aside to advertise its products in the airport.
By covenanting your membership you simply divert some of the tax you pay into conservation.
They simply divert public anger from their opponents, by creating matching crises, messes and stupidities of their very own.
They simply divert water from a stream, run it through the turbines and then return it to the stream.
This did not mean simply diverting to another transport.
But that is not enough, since recipient countries can simply divert such nuclear contraband to unmonitored installations.
He could do this without attracting attention because he simply diverted the interest of any who might notice him.