Furthermore, consumers may simply elect to use alternative payment methods due to security concerns with credit card purchases.
Even when tax obligations are clear, however, many enterprises and individuals simply elect not to pay.
Dassin downplayed the rival gangsters' ethnicity in his screenplay, simply electing the Germanic "Grutter" as surname.
Actually it can be resolved by simply not electing a progressive government like Oakland has.
The country will simply not elect a novice in wartime.
After initially landing on space travel, this player may simply elect to go to the space travel space every turn.
"We are simply electing not to exercise our option on his second year."
Can a co-op simply elect to bill electricity surcharges to tenants without regard to the number of shares or the number of air-conditioning units they use?
And of course some people simply elect not to work, preferring to be dependent on others for sustenance.
We simply elect a new C.O." My father picked this moment to get hairy.