In the earlier periods, traffic was excluded from residential streets simply by gates or by employing the cul-de-sac".
Courts have held that, as a group, blacks and Mexican-Americans, among others, cannot be systematically excluded from a jury simply because of their race or ethnicity.
Often they are simply excluded from studies, on the grounds that 'race' variations will distort findings.
On the other hand letters have not been excluded simply because their authors happen to be famous, or known to be good writers.
Those with serious disabilities were simply excluded from schools, and often from society.
My brother Keith was often excluded simply because of his age.
And they were gazing at each other with a preternatural understanding from which I was simply excluded.
Thus Littleton was simply excluded by blatant fraud.
It is morally wrong for Taiwan to be excluded from a public health forum simply as a result of pressure from China.
Material cannot be excluded simply because the prosecution claims it is a matter of internal security, or confidentiality of the information.