It was simply inconceivable to many of them that society could long exist without state support of religion.
We cannot allow any further reduction, it is simply inconceivable.
It is simply inconceivable that anyone survived that brutal execution.
"For us Sandinistas, a defeat in this symbol of revolutionary struggle was simply inconceivable."
The very concept of a computer implies too much knowledge that was simply inconceivable at the time those men were alive.
It was simply inconceivable someone would speak to her that way.
His followers did not suspect because to them what he intended was simply inconceivable.
If it were possible to disbelieve the alethiometer, I would do so, because to use the instrument without the books is simply inconceivable to me.
The scientific life of our time is simply inconceivable vzthout his paper.
It's simply inconceivable that the ultimate victims, the Jews, can carry out evil deeds.