And viewers can spend some of their idle time simply marveling at the restraint of the cast and crew, especially at one moment near the end.
By omitting context, however, this book encourages the reader to simply marvel at the design studio's proficiency.
I couldn't tell if they were trying to possess him or simply marveling at the sight, wondering what in the world he was doing.
While the temple was just a steel shell, people simply marveled at its being the first new building to go up in Paterson in years.
In later years, Harold would walk, with great difficulty, through the streets of Medora simply marveling at all that had been accomplished.
Then their eyes snap back into focus and they simply marvel.
Still others will simply marvel at the use of language and wonder just where our analytical side ends and our emotional side begins.
Or, like Wayne Eastman, you might simply marvel.
I simply marvel at your forbearance, Clee.
The approach allows researchers to see how the diversity - still large and exciting - came to be, rather than simply marvelling at it.