They are simply masking the problem.
Because of this literature, many scholars have argued that Kongo did not really accept Christianity, or simply masked their true beliefs behind show conversion.
A "hidden" access point will still broadcast the BSSID and the MAC address in every beacon frame, it simply masks the SSID.
Opponents of the execution have said that Mr. Ross is simply masking a desire to commit suicide.
Was it not uneconomic to employ older workers whose apparent competence simply masked inevitably growing incapacity?
The game received generally positive reviews, with the general consensus being that the 'one level' aspect was a let-down since all of the areas were only accessible from one another via bland corridors that simply masked the necessary loading times.
The incremental layering of eye candy simply masks very deep and fundamental flaws.
Or perhaps a small sample size simply masks a team still struggling.
He hated to continue this line of inquiry, but he needed to be sure she was really recovering and not simply masking her symptoms.
That is much harder than simply masking it completely, but I dislike losing touch with my Warders completely.