Mitchell became one of a series of longstanding top Ten Fugitives whose time on the list simply outlived their initial criteria for having been listed.
Having reached its 50th anniversary, Ferrari may simply outlive the old-school purists who would have it any other way.
And the current redesign efforts raise a large, subversive question: Have some musical instruments, in their present forms, simply outlived their usefulness?
Beldorian simply outlived his first four queens.
Most of the rest would surrender quickly, rather than bother to fight; their lives were very precious to them, and they would assume that they could simply outlive whatever scheme Thaddeus might have in mind.
In many ways, though, he simply outlived his time.
He seemed to suggest that Negroes could elude Klansmen and their descendants by slipping the bonds of mortality and simply outliving them.
We can simply outlive human regimes.
Did the man simply outlive his time?
He united the core lands by simply outliving the rest of his family.