Leroc simply plucked the collar of Loraine's fur coat and gave it a quick haul across her head.
The sheet was over Darwick's body, and whenever Inspector Cardona lifted it to show the dead man's face, he simply plucked a corner.
And if a random act of violence doesn't get them, the author simply plucks his characters right out of the action.
You think you can simply pluck the dagger back and run from here.
Simply pluck a sprig of tansy and place it above the door to your henhouse.
The Shadow simply plucked it with one hand, while he caught Fred's sagging body with the other.
That is not a number simply plucked out of the air.
If you should run out of bark paper for keeping your accounts, simply pluck the leaves of any grapevine.
If Major League Baseball maintains a caste system between the rich and poor teams, then fantasy players will simply pluck the best players from both.