But they often kill measures that might pass with minority party support by simply preventing those bills from reaching the floor.
The Russian spin: No, we're simply preventing terrorist attacks on our people.
They simply prevent others from using that which would otherwise be useful.
Taylor believes to win in the Olympics, a team has to score often, not simply prevent the opposition from scoring.
So I simply prevented death from running its course.
That would put the Republicans in the unpopular position of having to cut the minimum wage rather than simply preventing it from growing so fast.
Your skin is your largest organ, and it does a lot more than simply prevent you from spilling out all over the place.
Mr President, all of this simply prevents us from expressing satisfaction, which for various reasons could be justified.
Is it not now the right time to address our interests proactively instead of simply preventing protectionism?
They are simply preventing the hospital staff from ending his hunger strike against his will.