He didn't much care; he was simply relieved to find things going smoothly.
Breck was simply relieved to be in the dim, shining light.
Tsien's policy was simple, Horus reflected; officers who objected to the distribution of assignments were simply relieved.
But, for the moment, he is simply relieved that the sun is shining and the sea is calm.
Some viewers were moved by the film, but many were simply relieved there was no need to be embarrassed by it.
Burgoyne was simply relieved to be past the questionable circumstances under which s/he and Selar had joined with one another.
Others said they were simply relieved that their struggle was over.
He was simply relieved it was over.
I believe she was simply relieved to be out of her predicament, and was not considering the matter too closely.
Now I don't know if I'm more delighted, or just simply relieved to have been selected.