Was an election called in Ireland or did the members of the Irish House simply relocate to Westminster?
If we simply relocated them, at least 80% would make it, as these fine examples illustrate is possible.
And if he is actively seeking anonymity he will simply relocate after every dream.
He can destroy a business today or an office tomorrow, and I'll simply relocate.
Instead, they simply relocate certain enterprises underneath the umbrella of the parent company to locations that are more hospitable to their specific needs.
Only 4 percent worked at Wall Street brokerage firms (many of which simply relocated workers to Midtown or New Jersey).
When threatened, they simply relocated their villages into safer territory.
Furthermore, companies would simply relocate and continue producing.
We are simply relocating the problem.
Climate changes and a rise in sea levels ruined the agriculture of what is now the Low Countries, forcing tribes to relocate simply to find food.