Explaining that he sees the big studios simply repackaging their family-friendly offerings, he adds, "I think that's a shell game, and it's not going to last long."
Even so, much online learning thus far consists of regular lecture-hall fare simply repackaged for the Internet.
Disney, in an attempt to promote CDVU+'s growing appeal, has started to develop unique content for the format instead of simply repackaging already-available media.
Podesta gently reminded his audience that a think tank was for developing new policy solutions, not simply repackaging old ones.
The department already publishes annual reports with county-level data, so such maps would simply repackage the same information.
Is this really reimagining, or simply repackaging?
He opted for a version that did not stake out any new ground, but simply repackaged previous pronouncements.
One suspects that Roiphe wrote "Secrets of the City" in segments, racing to meet each installment's deadline, then simply repackaged them in book form.
Research has demonstrated that technical communicators do, in fact, create new meaning as opposed to simply repackaging (198) old information.
Although many contemporary moon-hoax theorists simply repackage the old evidence, Sibrel has made what he considers one great contribution to the gathering file.