They don't realize that turning the other cheek simply results in getting bruises on both sides of your face.
This would simply result in your own taxes going up to make up for the shortfall of income.
This works well on civilians, but sucking in a soldier can simply result in being shot at from the inside.
Or it may have resulted simply from the Taliban's demand for safe passage.
Anything less will simply result in more tragedies.
A criminal act does not, however, result simply and inevitably from the presence of a criminally disposed individual.
Trying to move an agent to a location he is not eligible for simply results in an error message to that effect.
But use by individuals often results simply from curiosity.
A third problem, the paper said, is that the policy "could simply result in the displacement of equally disadvantaged persons."
This technique can simply results by separating only the relevant chromosomes at a very fast rate.